Sycamore House is part of the Early Childhood Collaborative Committee (ECCC)
It is a group of professionals and parents that serve young children birth to 6 years old and our mission is to develop, streamline, and coordinate services to families in Champaign County to help them get their child prepared for Kindergarten.
Below is a video talking about a Questionnaire assessment we use to help figure out how the child is developing called the ASQ-SE which stands for Ages & Stages Questionnaire for Social and Emotional development.
The Second Video is regarding the assessment called DECA where it takes a deeper look at the concern identified and helps provide strategies to build resilience and to address concern.
We try to do the questionnaires once or twice a year depending on how the child is developing and at Sycamore House; we give all parents 10 additional Mommy Dollars or points to use at the Common Ground store.
If the Child does score high on the ASQSE questionnaire, we do a DECA with them and send the information to Family & Children First Counsel in Urbana and they will provide activities and ways to help the child with whatever they are struggling with in their social or emotional stages.