Yesterday, four million Ohioans voted on a number of issues, including an abortion amendment to the state constitution. For weeks now, Ohioans have been pummeled with advertisements, social media messages, and news stories examining all facets of the abortion amendment. More often than not, the situation has been confusing and stressful for everyone.
This morning, we know the abortion amendment has passed. If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, you may be wondering, “How does all this change things for me?”
The simple truth is that while yesterday’s vote will change Ohio laws surrounding abortion, it does not change your right and your ability to be fully informed of the choices available to you, and to access the help you need.
An unexpected pregnancy can be scary! It is completely normal to feel lost and alone and afraid. But you are not alone! There are many people in Champaign County who care deeply about you and your child. We know what it’s like to face an unplanned pregnancy, and we want to help.
You are precious and loved, and you are not alone. ♥ Always know that.
We are here if you would like to talk. You can reach us through a 24/7 Hotline: (800) 712-HELP (4357). You can also call (937-653-3737) or email us, or stop by our office.
Photo credit: By “one_life” via Pixabay.
Life is precious – your life, the life of your child, ALL life is precious. ♥