Come help our cause to promote love, hope, and education!

Today, Sycamore House Pregnancy and Family Life Center thanks you for changing lives. Making a donation is a way of reaching out a helping hand. You can be part of strengthening the family unit when your donation is used to promote love, hope and education to all the families in Champaign County and beyond to provide pregnancy resources, parenting classes and much more.
- We want to promote love by showing them that we care and love them by being the vessel God wants us to be to show His love.
- We want to promote hope where there is a mother or father who doesn’t feel like they have anywhere to go and what to do with an unplanned pregnancy or who needs some material items from our Common Ground store to get them by.
- We want to promote education for those who need to be prepared for when their baby arrives, for those who need extra help on how they can be a better parent and for the young adult who needs to be informed regarding sexual risk avoidance.
To be able to accomplish this, we want to spread awareness through a marketing campaign to reach Champaign County by having billboards on the highways going into Urbana, we want to reach more people through Social Media and to create an ad for the Gloria Theater to name a few items. We want to promote ourselves in the schools and university to provide materials to educate on sexual risk avoidance. Also, we are in the works of getting a new sign so people know what we are when they drive by! All these items take money and we need your help!