Prayer has impact.
We were created to have relationships.
God our Father wants a relationship with us and to communicate to Him is prayer.
We have direct access to communicate to the Utmost Being, God the Father Himself through His son, Jesus. God sent his son, Jesus so we can have direct communication with God. When Jesus died for us, He created a way for us to have direct access to God by putting our trust and faith in Jesus (John 3:16) and knowing we are a sinner and asking for forgiveness. (Romans 10:9-10) This blog is more on prayer but we had to talk a little bit why we pray.
There are several ways to pray. Some people pray like they are having a conversation, while others pray the way Jesus said to pray of what we call the Lord’s prayer in the Bible, in Matthew:
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.Thy kingdom come.Thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, for ever. Amen.
MATTHEW 6:9-13
Another way to pray is to follow the ACTS.
A- Adoration – We praise and adore God, lifting up His name.
C- Confession- We ask God to forgive our sins since we are all sinners and to help us not to sin anymore.
T- Thanksgiving – We thank God for everything – He has provided for us, and we should thank Him
S – Supplication – It means to ask – God wants us to ask Him for whatever we are going through and need, He is the ultimate giver!
By remembering the ACTS, it helps us to pray specifically. When we keep a journal of our prayers, we can go back and see how God has answered that prayer and you will be amazed at how the prayers have been answered. We sometimes forget how awesome our God really is and how involved He is in our lives.
Prayer is also listening and that can be the hardest thing is to take time and listen. We can listen by reading the Bible, meditating by pondering and journaling what the Bible says and simply taking time to listen. Ask God to communicate to you and to open your heart to receive what He wants to say. It can take practice to hear His voice and people hear it differently than others.
There is no wrong way to pray, He just wants that communication with Him. The more we pray and study the Bible, the more we get closer and develop our relationship with Him even more.
Sycamore House is looking for prayer warriors! Would you like to help us out? Let us know and we can put your name on our prayer warrior list.
Would you like to be a prayer facilitator where you would send prayers and prayer requests/praises to the prayer warriors and pray with us here at Sycamore House?
Call us @ 937-653-3154 or email us: sycamorehouseprc@gmail.com and we can talk more!