We offer free medical grade pregnancy tests.
At Sycamore House, we confirm with you that you are pregnant by doing a self-administered pregnancy test that is medical – grade and offer options consulting. We have experienced staff to help guide you of the options regarding your pregnancy.
If you just don’t know what to do and where to go? Come on in, we are here for you to help you determine what to do next.
This is how we help:
- We provide information using a holistic approach to help you make the right decision for you through education and resources. Our staff is here to provide the confidential care you need to help guide you of the options of what is next for you.
- We help you get connected with community resources.
- We care about you spiritually, emotionally, physically & mentally.
- As mentioned, we provide a free self-administered medical grade pregnancy test. If the test is positive, we can provide you with a pregnancy verification letter so that you can apply for Medicaid and other resources if needed.
- We help you form a plan for what is next to empower you to make the best decision for you.
We do not provide or refer abortions, but we do educate you on abortion. All information is confidential. All services are free of cost.
Set up an appointment with us by calling, 937-653-3737, email: sycamorehouseprc@gmail.com or click on the button.